Angels In The Outfield


Steve Starr

Angels in the Outfield ~ Chaplain 

 Phone: 253-686-2016

Donna Laufer

Angels in the Outfield - Chairman 

Phone: 414-350-8445

Latest Update: August 23, 2024

Ron Coppess - Health and Prayers Update

July 28, 2024

We're reaching out to you with an update on our dear friend, Ron Coppess. As most of you know, Ron has been battling multiple health challenges and undergoing treatment. We had a heartfelt conversation with his wife, Ellyn, just yesterday, who shared the latest developments regarding her husband's health. We kindly ask you to join us in a unified prayer for them, as they navigate through this trying time of healing and treatments. 

 Connect with Ron and Ellyn: 880 Beech St, Lake Odessa MI 48849 Ron: 517.526.4873 Ellyn: 517.526.4916 

"Ron had gall bladder surgery yesterday and is feeling much better today. He goes in for chemo next week for four days which is a lite weight kind so he does pretty well with it. The following week we go back to Mayo in Rochester to start the process of matching Ron with a bone marrow transplant. If all goes well we will not return so that will take place in fall at the earliest. We will have to be in Rochester for 100 days at that time. Looks like we may be wintering in Minnesota this year. 

 We miss all of you but are very focussed on getting Ron well. We feel so lifted up in prayer by dear friends in AZ and MI. God is good. Ron’s spirits are pretty good most of the time. We are working with wonderful doctors here and in MN As tired as we all are, there are people suffering even more than us. Maybe this is all for a reason. It’s all a good exercise in learning to trust God more. 🙏♥️" Ellyn

Pastor Steve Starr - Knee Replacement

August 23, 2024

We had a heartfelt chat with Steve last evening, who's currently on the mend from Wednesday's knee replacement surgery. He's requested your uplifting prayers as he navigates through this healing and rehabilitation journey. He's even contemplating a return to his beloved softball, with hopes of running again! His wife, Marsha, is providing the tender care he needs at this challenging time. Let's send our collective positive thoughts and prayers their way! We eagerly await your return and seeing you back on the softball field, Steve!

Pam (Mark) Kisala - Health Update

July 28, 2024

Mark checked in on us yesterday and we got an update on his dear wife, Pam, who was hospitalized one floor down from Pete this week. Mark says he's being a pretty good "male" nurse and is getting along well. Pam's health problem stem from afib with her heart. She is on medication at home. Her knee is messed up from the falls and they are seeing a doctor on Tuesday. 

Mark, we're sure you are caring for Pam well. You know we are here if you need anything at all. Prayers for you both as you continue to navigate this health journey. 

Connect with Pam: 602.361.5915 13813 N Tan Tara Dr, SC 85351

Kayla (Ron) Wiebold Heart Surgery Update

July 29, 2024

Lots going on with our softball family. While Pete and Mark Kasala’s better half, Pam, were hospitalized, we heard that Kayla Wiebold was down in the ER. Here’s Ron’s update. Following her surgery on the 16th things were going well until last week. Kayla was not feeling right. She is now wearing a heart monitor for a week. She is improving every day, not in much pain, but very tired. 

Let’s continue our prayers and heartfelt support for Kayla and Ron. Kayla, you are on our minds and in our hearts!!!!! 

Kayla and Ron 719.351.7969 10835 W Mountain View Rd SC 85351 

Go to the archives "In Memoriam" of our players who have passed for more information, if available.
