'2023 Hall of Fame Inductees'
The Hall of Fame committees are proud to announce that the Softball Clubs 2023 HOF inductees will be:
Sun City - Jim Alexander, Dennis Johnson, Chuck Wittreich
Sun City West - Dave Ryg, Kay Peterson
They have been chosen for their exemplary and unselfish work that they done for the softball clubs of Sun City and Sun City West.
They will be inducted at the HOF Banquet in Sun City West on March 4.
Congratulations to our new HOF members!
The Sun Cities Hall of Fame began in 1998, honoring players, not for their playing abilities, but for their selfless help off the field. A player must be in the club for at least 7 years. Each year a minimum of one member is recognized and inducted into the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame Committee may choose to recognize and induct as many members as they may feel appropriate. Nominations for the Hall of Fame are submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee. The committee will then select members for induction into the League's Hall of Fame.
Click on the Hall Of Fame button above to view all of the players inducted into the Hall of Fame from 1998 to 2022.